Saturday, March 01, 2014

Goin' Viral

After a week's rest we learning all about multimedia this week. First step: embed a video. Here's a great YouTube video I found about why being Canadian rocks:

I love YouTube. I'm always astounded by the creativity of some people.

I also did some DIY professional development by checking out an archived library webinar. This one was called Creating a Makerspace Culture and was put on by Booklist. Here are some highlights of what I learned:
  • Makerspaces are a combination of media and creativity (tools + support + community) that are multidisciplinary in nature
  • Maker Faires are like conventions or exhibitions where "makers" of all shapes and size come to display their creations
  • They develop STEAM skills (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art/Aesthetics & Math)
  • Common workshops include Programming & Coding, Drawing & Prototyping, Paper & Fabric Craft, Social Growth
  • Makerspaces come in all shapes and sizes - don't need to build an addition on your library or invest tonnes of money
  • Objective is collaboration and "learning-by-doing"
  • Keys to a successful makerspace: Set up the terms of the partnership so that it is beneficial for all; Be open and flexible to new ideas; Plan ahead; Communicate; Make it awesome
  • Raspberry Pi is not a dessert - it's more like the guts of a computer that makers learn to assemble and program.
  • Crafting and makerspaces go hand-in-hand, but while crafts usually come with directions, "maker culture" is more like self-guided free-styling
  • Advice for getting started: Know your audience and their interests; avoid buying lots of equipment at first - pilot with free software and tools
The cool extra thing we were asked to try out was video conferencing. I have never used Skype, but I have used FaceTime and think it's pretty cool. My nieces love calling me with FaceTime and showing off their new clothes or a picture they drew at school. I can see the benefits of using videoconferencing in the workplace. If nothing else, I think it would help with the awkward silences and interruptions that are common with conference calls.

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